Maggie's Highlands 20th anniversary

We're celebrating providing 20 years of life-changing cancer support across the Highlands.

Your donation will continue to help everyone with cancer and all the people who love them get the support they need and deserve.

£20 £20 could help pay for a session with a Benefits Advisor for help and advice on money worries and the extra support that may be available, so our centre visitors can stop worrying about finances and focus on treatment.

£50 £50 could help to pay for a gentle exercise class for up to 10 people; helping with energy levels, treatment side effects, sleep, mental health, self-image and confidence.

£100 £100 could help pay for a two-hour Managing Stress workshop for up to ten people. The session explores ways to relax and find calm in day to day life when dealing with the challenges of cancer.

£250 £250 could help pay for a six-week bereavement course, led by our psychologists to support people to deal with loss; helping to find a way to start moving forward.

Thank you. Every donation helps.